About Me

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hey I'm a 7th grader and i go to STEM Leadership.I love to hang out and listen to music.My favorite colors are black,red,and grey.If you want to know more about me just ask ;=)

Monday, February 27, 2012

My Good Vacation

During my vacation I only had two things that were exciting.first we went to Los Angeles for a wedding .We stayed there for two days the first day we stayed there w went to my step dad's cousins wedding. It was okay because I was with my cousin and we watched the fire works that can from Disneyland because they had live like right next door from them.The second day we went to Hollywood to look at the stars but we found out that there was a special thing going on and there was many people that were in a costume and took pictures with people, there was also a clown. My niece took pictures with some of them like Elmo,Woody,Dora,and Barney and much more.But after that we walk on the hall of fame we saw Michael Jackson's , Queen's ,The Simpsons's,Peewee Herman, Richie Valen's, Rugrats,and much more.Then after we went to McDonalds and saw LA Ink,the shop, and Kat Von D 's shoe store .Then we were driving home but then we saw a beach and so we stopped and stayed at the beach for a little while before we went home.The rest of my vacation was okay because all I did was stay home. that is all I did.
If you want to know more about LA Ink or who is the owner here are some links:
, Kat Von D,
LA Ink

Friday, February 17, 2012

California Academy of Science

Yesterday the whole class went to the California academy of science.The whole academy was very awesome I loved everything but the thing that I loved more was the Rain forest it was so fun and it was pretty hot it was 82-85 degrees and it was humid 75% or above .I was really scared of the butterflies ,so every time one went by me I got really scared.It was a 4 story rain forest.
They had spiders,a lot of different kind of reptiles and amphibians they even had 2 macaws.I really loved the birds that were flying around it was very beautiful.Then after the rainforest we went through the flooded amazon and the and to the aquarium my favorite thing of the aquarium was the piranha.I thought that the living roof was very relaxing.But the thing that I thought that we would never see would be the bones of a real dinosaur.