About Me

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hey I'm a 7th grader and i go to STEM Leadership.I love to hang out and listen to music.My favorite colors are black,red,and grey.If you want to know more about me just ask ;=)

Monday, January 30, 2012

My weekend

My weekend was very boring all week I was sick but on Saturday I went to go pick up my sisters at great America because they had gone to go apply there for a job.My sisters had to stand in line for 5 straight hours.After my brother-in-law ,my niece,and I went to go pick up my sisters we went out to eat at hometown buffet.One of my sisters got the job but the other one didn't . On Sunday I felt very sick,I still fell sick,but I still came to school. 

Paper Prototype

My teams paper prototype is done all we need to to record it and uploading it to our wikis.I would have to say that a good presentation  would be when you explain about everything and you say it out loud.I think that when people present their paper prototype they get nervous and speak lower.I also think that people don't even think people don't explain about everything.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Questions for an Olympian

My school was chosen to be able to ask questions to an Olympian 5 questions through out my whole school.
If I met an Olympian I would ask him/her :How hard and long did you work to get into the 2012 Olympics?How do you feel about going to London to be in the Olympics?Do you already know your routine or are you still working on it?Do you feel honored to be specially chosen to be an Olympian the year of 2012?
those would mostly what pops in my head if anymore question come up I be sure to add some more.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jan. 24, 2012

Today I came to the library with my older sister.I got a whole bunch of movies and I got the book East Side DReams for my reading group.I also walked my sister's guine pig on it's lease.Today at school I had a test and we had globaloria and learned about  diginal day.
Global means
I think that it is

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

STEM Leadership Academy's Competion projects page

Today during our Globaloria time had to look at East Austin's and Herman's projects page.I first checked East Austin's projects page and I liked it because they had most of there game facts and they had all of their mini games on there wiki 's.After I had checked Herman's projects page and theirs wasn't really that good because most of them didn't have there game facts or mini games.To be honest our projects page isn't that good either ours would have to be in the middle of both Globaloria contestants.But there is a big difference  between ours and East Austin's wikis has more flash files and they have more details on everything there profile and in their mini games. Herman I would have to say that Herman still needs to work on their projects page and catch up on everything. So my opinion is that East Austin is perfect and I think they should keep it up , Herman I think that need to work on everything and give more details to  their wikis and on their mini games ,and our school should work on our learning log ,add more details to our mini games , and put more flashes to our wikis.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


 I learned that many people tend to throw Gamification words to mean that they are creating a game but it is wrong and  I can use this information to not to tend to throw Gamification words around in my game.I liked the fact that Game Mechanics in every enjoyable game because that is what makes an enjoyable game or gameplay ,it helps the game to encourage the people to have fun and engaging experience .Gamification is adding game elements to something that doesn't have it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My 2 favorite songs is the pumped up kicks by the foster people and tonight tonight by hot chelle rae. I love it.<3

What my Maze game looks like

My strengths have became more stronger and better from the beginning of the school year.My strengths have became better because I have been practicing on the things I was really weak at so now I can do a little bit of everything.My biggest strength is doing research on wiki and Google for codes. and My weakness is coding because any little thing we add on the coding can make the whole thing not work.My goal for myself is to learn all the codes by memory and get better at it because then I will be able to do many things on flash without help.My other goal to to memorize how to put in sound and background sound to my games and everything else.I have accomplished on getting better on using the tools on flash and exploring and putting in more details on my games.I am proud of accomplishing on my blog an blogging more often and catching up on it.  

Friday, January 6, 2012

Maze Game

Yesterday I learned how to make a quick maze game on flash.My maze was about a bear trying to get through the forest.The whole point of making this was to learn the code of how to not let the bear through the lines.It took me a long time to make mine because I was more creative with mine and also because I didn't get the code right.My mistake on the code was that i had put a ) instead of  }.Well that's what I had done at Globaloria time yesterday.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

best and worst part of break part

My break was cool because I had stayed up every day til 7am.The best part of my break was December 30 because my family and I went to a party at Santa Clara and we had also saw my cousins and watched a movie and we got two Christmas presents.The worst part of break was New Years Eve because it didn't really feel like New Year Eve at all. Well my break was pretty good at the end.